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2006-06-13 - 7:42 p.m. - trees and other things.

i looked at my last entry and saw how out of date it was as the Reds have firmly fallen from first place.

in regards to trees: i think sometimes we're too critical of ourselves. i've spent 3 years hating my novel only to have three professors who I respect deeply tell me it's pretty good at this point and with a bit more polishing could maybe find publication. it got considerably better with revisions, but still a lot of the things that I've hated about it for a long time are still there.

i guess it comes down to this, the hands that make are often attached to the most critical eyes--it's because the eyes know what the hands did. like how Karen and I have been painting room all week and when we finish a room I can see spots where we fucked up, even super small, but no one else will ever notice.

or remember how Brian Wilson drove himself fucking nuts working on "Smile"? Of course, there were drugs involved there but the basic principle is the same.

then again, hypersensitivity to our weaknesses tends to result in better work. afterall, if i'd written the novel and thought it was swell 3 years ago (not just a feeling of accomplishment or pride in having done it, which i have felt, but had i thought it was realistically excellent then) then it never would've continued growing into what it became--which like i've said I'm still not thrilled with, but it's cool, and my committee was rather positive about it.

so i guess--i'm pretty sure that the tree is okay. in fact, it's probably wicked sweet.


in other news, record shelves are going to the new place tonight, as well as maybe the dining room table, karen's desk/sewing table and my desk. depends on how we do on time...

exciting, isn't it?

ah, and I listened to OK Computer today for the first time in a long time. I've really given that record the shaft of late. I must've burnt myself out on it a while back, and now it sounds fantastic again.

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