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2002-12-08 - 1:47 a.m. - what lonliness feels like.

i am hearts breaking and ice melting. come and put your foot in this eye. come and break your drum kit over my face. i am the face. don't you forget that. and i am the invincible secret of silence and noise. is there any in between? I am that in between. The only thing that I truly believe is that we should never believe in anything. Another one of those paradoxes. She was standing in front of the microwave waiting for the tea to be hot. I was kneeling in front of my book shelf trying to decide what I would read when I was done with the book that I was going to read, after the book I was planning on reading, after the book I would read when I was done with the book I was reading then. I was reading Ulysses. But really it was Gravity's Rainbow. But really it's all the same. So many words and sentences that stretch longer than a single breath could possibly ever hope to. And its a great night for a fistfight. Don't you forget that. Beat the shit out of history, motherfuckers!


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