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2004-03-10 - 1:17 a.m. - notes

1. the last 7 minutes of John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" are, without a doubt, the 7 most worthwhile minutes of music i own.

2. i am working on the details for reinventing the old haiku project. anyone interested in exchanging three line poems (haiku) with friends and strangers send me an email at wedestroymythsatyahoo dot com. for course make it look like a normal email address. i just type it that way so as to not get spam. it will be either on a diary/journal page, or through an email listserv in digest format, once daily. UPDATE:

3. im finally, seriously applying for teaching jobs. the time has come.

4. i have a 235 page second draft of a novel under my belt. i know now that i can do at least that. thats all i needed to know i can do that while i teach still.

5. here is to this heart. it will take a lot to deter it.

6. here is to the end of emo.

7. here is to growing up.

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