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2001-09-29 - 2:20 a.m. - magic sparks the current

tonight was all cheap wine and ice cream and cool air. i wore my denim jacket, the one that Rob bought just for the superman patch and then gave to me because it didn't fit him and hes not cool enough for denim. we walked down the street like a gang to a party that we stayed at for fifteen minutes and i talked to cale who was in the backseat of a car as they waited in a driveway for a band member so they could go play a gig at a 21 and up bar. i wish we had a space we could all go for music. my friends aren't old enough for 21+, but really thats okay, because tonight was so beautiful. i think im finally living in this town. i havent felt this way since my freshman year when i met all the amazing people like matt and tony, and brian, and mcmike, and jason, all of those people who have mostly moved on but who, just knowing they were here was enough to make this place bareable. and now its fucking beautiful again and so perfect. like right now Todd and his girlfriend are in the next room and Pump up the Volume is on the DVD player. and im actually hanging out with people with the same interests as me.

and tonight, in between kroger and parties and movies i had a chance to look up at the sjy and just recognize the complete and utter beauty of it. the simplicity and peace in the color grey. like when im looking at your eyes while you talk: grey. its all so peaceful and confident and simple. i think that grey is todays color. the sky. the sidewalk. something so simple about it.

today we were kings and queens running as fast as we possibly could slowing down, from time to time, only to remember the people we love who aren't in this town with us.

today we redefined what it means to be young. today we realized our youth even though you pointed out that im only six years away from my ten year high school reunion. we're fuckin young blasting rancid on the car stereo.

there is electricty in the air, in our bones, our teeth, our veins, and no one knows where the electricity comes from and you know what? i don't really know either but i'm willing to bet my lucky penny that its magic.


listen to: bonnie prince billy, tindersitcks, rancid, lovesick, the who, the rolling stones. (magic will always make sure that the songs end at exactly the right moment, as you park your car or stand up to leave.)

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